TYPO3 5.0 Development Team



One highlight of the TYPO3 Developer Days in Dietikon (Switzerland) certainly was the official launch of the the project «»TYPO3 5.0″». During two 5.x brainstorming sessions, a long feature list and valuable ideas for collaboration and team structures have been created. Based on the preparation of the R&D committe, we agreed on the corner stones of the next major version.

It became clear that TYPO3 5.0 will be based on a fundamentally redesigned architecture while the successful features which reflect the soul of TYPO3 must be kept intact. In the end it will still taste and smell like TYPO3, just fresher and even more powerful.

The participants of the brainstorming sessions also agreed, that the development teams should be small and have well-defined goals. It will be just natural that the composition and kinds of teams will reflect the components of the system. The communication between these teams will foster the creation of clean interfaces between the components which allow each team to work indepently on their part.

I have now created an initial project team (called «»TYPO3 5.0 Development Team»») which coordinates future sub teams, the place where the actual design and development takes place. On the way back from T3DD06 Kasper and I recorded a small video podcast in which we present and the discuss the details of the brainstormings. After this podcast has been published, you’re invited to ask your questions about 5.0 in our team mailing list (see contact page) which we will compile into a FAQ and put on our project pages.

During the next weeks we will gradually publish more background information and discuss the next steps on our long way. And finally I’m curiously looking forward to working with you on the answer to a request which has already been around for some time: Gimme Five!


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