Magento Themes on Steroids



Today’s day 4 of the 4th and maybe last Reacticon, a conference for Magento and Shopware frontend development, was dedicated to Hyvä – Magento themes on steroids. The conference was streamed live on YouTube for free. Almost one year ago at Reacticon #3, Hyvä founder Willem Wigman, announced a new frontend for Magento. We already introduced Hyvä on this blog last month, so if you haven’t heard about it, you might want to read Hyvä – Magento Re-Imagined first.

Let’s make Magento (Open Source) the most fantastic monolith ever.

Willem Wigman on Hyvä Day at Reacticon 2021

Reacticon #4 was yet another major update on frontend development technologies:

  • Headless Strategies
  • Smaller JavaScript Bundles
  • Bashing of UiComponents
  • PWA Tricks
  • and much more

The old mainstream frontends of Magento and Shopware are very bloated. Headless is supposed to be the next big thing, PWA (Progressive Web Apps) is a buzz and there are simply more and more frontend alternatives popping up. And this is a good thing: Frontend technologies are developing quickly. And as an ecommerce specialist, you should stay up-to-date on all of those new developments.

Picture: Closing Remarks by Reacticon organizer Jisse Reitsma

Here’s the agenda of all 4 days in order to give you an overview of the amazing content you can still watch on Youtube.

Reacticon Day 1: Magento Luma & Vue Storefront

Reacticon Day 2: Shopware 6 Frontending

Reacticon Day 3: Magento PWA Studio

Reacticon Day 4: Magento Hyvä Themes

Adoption of Hyvä Themes

Here is what happend in the Hyvä ecosystem in just 9 months, from February through October 2021:

  • 200+ agencies
  • 1200+ Slack members
  • 950+ active developers on Gitlab
  • 300+ stores being built (124 live according to builtwith, with a handful of staing/demo sites)
  • 50+ compatible modules/extensions, see
  • active contributions from members

Willem Poortman, Hyvä Senior Solution Engineer, focusing on innovation, research and development presented an exciting new technology he has been working on: Magewire, an implementation of Laravel Livewire for Magento Open Source and Hyvä respectively which will be open-sourced later today as per his announcement.

Here’s how the repository looks at the time of publishing this blog post:

And if that wouldn’t be enough, Willem & Willem had another surprise announcement: Hyvä Magewire Checkout. No Knockout JS, no React, just PHP – I happen to know some developers who might kill for that!

Although online conferences are never comparable to in person events, today I really felt the excitement about the new Magento frontend with the best developer experience and fastest time to market for merchants. Thanks Jisse and team for organizing another amazing event to bring together so many inspiring people from the Magento and Shopware communities. Although it might have been the last Reacticon, I’m sure that this wasn’t the last conference you organized.



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