Magento 2.1.15 Update



Magento 2.1.15 was released on September 18 besides Magento 2.2.6. The update for Magento 2.1.x is focused on bug fixes rather than new enhancements, but it contains also 25 security enhancements. These security enhancements are not fixing known vulnerabilities but improving the security for the future. Shop owner should install this update for a better reliability and user experience.

Here an overview of all the fixes:


  • The Module Manager now correctly displays the list of modules (System > Tools > Web Setup Wizard > Module Manager).


  • Banners are now visible only when their associated rules are applied.


  • The Magento\Catalog\Model\ResourceModel\Category\Collection::joinUrlRewrite method now uses the storeId value set on the actual collection of the store rather than the storeId retrieved from the store manager.
  • Magento now uses data-container=»product-list» instead of data-container=»product-grid» when displaying a product list.
  • Magento has improved the accuracy of prices requiring more than two digits that are listed on the Product page.

Cart and checkout

  • The minicart now displays product names that contain special characters.

CMS content

  • You can now successfully upload logo images in Internet Explorer.


  • Magento now preserves the user group ID when using /V1/customers/:customerId (PUT).


  • Magento now supports Canadian Postal codes without spaces as expected.


  • Administrators can now add a parameter to app/etc/env.php: user_admin_email. This parameter ensures that when a new administrator account is created, Magento sends an email to default store’s email and, if present, to an email address defined in user_admin_email.


  • Magento now leaves at least one record after cleaning up the changelog tables after restarting MySQL.
  • Magento now displays custom price symbols as expected.
  • Magento now correctly aligns submenus.
  • Magento now supports Malaysian locales.


  • The product video feature is now GDPR-compliant.
  • Magento now checks that a product is assigned to a specific website in a multistore environment before a customer can write a product review.
  • The transport event parameter has been changed from type Array() to type DataObject. This is a reversion of a change that was made in an earlier release.
  • Merchants can now place an order for a grouped product where the quantity of subproducts is less than one unit.
  • Magento now sets the trigger_recollect attribute back to 0 after collecting total amounts for the quote.
  • Magento no longer recalculates prices unnecessarily when refreshing the Catalog page, which has improved product performance.
  • The annotation for the formatDateTime function in the lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Stdlib/DateTime/TimezoneInterface.php file has been corrected. The locale and timezone have been changed to param string|null $locale and @param string|null $timezone.
  • The annotation for the formatDateTime function in the lib/internal/Magento/Framework/Stdlib/DateTime/TimezoneInterface.php file has been corrected. The locale and timezone have been changed to param string|null $locale and @param string|null $timezone.
  • Magento refactored the JavaScript code in the split.phtml template file for the button widget.
  • The misspelling of setCategoryIds has been corrected throughout the code base.
  • Customers can now successfully download and export PDFs after logging in.
  • «select elements» now display with the styles you set in _theme.less as expected.
  • Client-side email validation now works in Internet Explorer 11.x the same way as it does in Chrome.
  • «.limiter» now has the same parent selectors (similar to .pages) to prevent clashes between styles and layouts.
  • Changing the @tab-content__border variable now affects on the tabs content border as expected.
  • The Multiple Payment Methods Enabled setting now works as expected.
  • Primary buttons now have new LESS variables that permit you to change font-weight, font-size, and font-family without changing default button attributes.
  • Magento added a space between the category page and the main footer on pages using a single column layout.
  • Customers can now successfully log in after resetting their password.
  • Magento no longer displays duplicate element IDs for gift messages in the checkout page.
  • The JavaScript code in the app/code/Magento/Tax/view/adminhtml/templates/class/page/edit.phtml file has been refactored to meet Magento coding standards.
  • Magento now correctly aligns page elements on the home page and category page of the Hot Seller section.
  • Fixed issues with the jQuery UI DatePicker’s display of sequential months.
  • The clickableOverlay option in modals now works as expected.
  • Users assigned a Restricted User role no longer receive the message Something went wrong when viewing orders.
  • Magento no longer unnecessarily displays this warning when a customer opens a product page: The property price is not valid.


  • The Layout.eventManager now correctly dispatches the layout_render_before events before Magento renders the current layout.


  • The Shipping and Estimate Tax page now correctly displays country, city, and postal code fields.


  • Magento now displays the newsletter subscription confirmation message as expected after a customer clicks the confirmation link in the subscription confirmation email.


  • Magento no longer throws an error when trying to load the quote item collection using the Magento\Quote\Model\ResourceModel\QuoteItem\Collection::getItems() method.


  • Magento now supports GNU free fonts in invoice and shipment PDFs. Previously, PDFs containing Arabic, Russian, Greek, Indian, or Thai alphabets did not correctly render those characters.
    An exported invoice’s CSV file now contains information specific to the selected invoice only.
    The incorrect type hinting in PHPDocs has been corrected.


  • You can now use the Enter key to submit a search form.


  • XML sitemap generation can now be scheduled.


  • The REST API schema is now compatible with search criteria.


  • You can now translate the moreButtonText text string. Fix submitted by Karla Saaremäe in pull request 16229. GitHub-16079


More information can be found in the Magento DevoDocs.

Remember to create an backup before updating.



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