WordPress 4.9.6 was released on May 17 for the upcoming new privacy data regulations (GDPR) in Europe on May 25.
The update contains fixes and new privacy features to fulfill the new privacy regulation.
The privacy features are:
- Commenters can choose if they want their name and email published
- A designated privacy policy page that will be shown by registration and login as well as a guide from WordPress should help you to create the privacy page.
- Data of users is now exportable in a ZIP file. The file contains all data that was collected by WordPress or Plugins about the user.
- Site owners can now erase a user’s data that was collected.
- The export and erase feature support a conformation via email to assure that the request was legitimate.
Additionally, to the new features there are 95 updates to WordPress in this update. For instance, plugins will now tell you the minimum PHP version required and the TinyMCE was updated.
The official post can be found on wordpress.org.
Please remember to create backups before updating.
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